
Leitz trinovid serial numbers
Leitz trinovid serial numbers

leitz trinovid serial numbers

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leitz trinovid serial numbers

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  • 1990, Trinovids replaced except compacts.
  • Filters, available until 1973: yellow haze, orange, red orange, light red, red-green accentuated, 'Neophan', grey 90%, solar (99.99%), reticle (frame).
  • 1965, B models, long eye relief & folding eyecups, later standard.
  • Trinovids use Uppendahl system, 3 cemented prisms.

    leitz trinovid serial numbers

    1963, Trinovids introduced, production of all other models stopped.Law enforcement special with built-in wireless communication Leica "Binoculars" data courtesy of Peter Abrahamsįorum discussion Order NumberĮrnst Leitz Canada about 7500 were nade in the black military version, only 400 were made in a gray, civilian version

    Leitz trinovid serial numbers